Replacing a broken LCD? Here are the tools you need:
Windows-based laptop:


Heavy technology, heavy metal
Replacing a broken LCD? Here are the tools you need:
Windows-based laptop:
With the increasing deployment of Chromebooks in a school environment, there will inevitably be an increase in damage to the LCD screen (laptops as well, of course). But when one breaks, it’s not always necessary to rely on an external service provider who might quote you $150 or more to replace the LCD.
You might as well just buy a new Chromebook for that kind of exorbitant price!
I gained a lot of experience replacing Chromebook screens when one particular school of mine experienced a 45% breakage rate (combination of flimsy construction and carelessness on the part of the student body). When a colleague received a quote from a company for $160 per unit, I laughed heartily, then made this video to show exactly how quick and easy it is to replace a screen.
A few caveats, of course: